Today I got the loveliest suprise in the post. I got my very first written thank you card and it came all the way from the UK.
Not to say I am not greatful for all the lovely thanks and emails I receive from couples but life has become so fast that we rely only on email, sms and facebook. So it was pretty awesome receiving a pretty pink envelope and knowing someone took the time to write and post a card.

The irony of it all was that the first time I met Jaclyn and Mike, they told me they were not keen on being photographed and if it were up to them they really wouldn't of chosen to have a photographer. *gulp*
So their compromise was that they would have a photographer to shoot their day but for their photoshoot they did not want more than 20minutes. For them it was all about spending time with their family and friends. At that time during the meeting I think my jaw must of dropped, and I think they noticed.
On their wedding day I was quite nervous but when I got to Jaclyns room she was so relaxed, she looked gorgeous, I lost my nervousness and was just excited to shoot. Not only was Jaclyn looking gorgeous but she was a complete natural.
When it came to the photoshoot I did manage to push it to 30min, including family photos and because they were so great I was very happy with the results and according to their card they were very happy too.*Big Smiles* I think they even had fun!
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